legs a few years ago. test results show that someone gave him enough pain killers to take his life. the medical examiner ruled it was a homicide and caused by an overdose of oxycodone. this victim was cared for by various nurses and family members. they re still trying to determine who may have caused it. reporter: neighbors say the family had lived in the home about a year at the time of maloney s death. they made it difficult for the wife to leave his side. she sent stuff over but said she couldn t leave the house because she didn t have one to watch him. reporter: the widow s attorney said we ve been deprived of the autopsy report. it s been consistently refused since his death. for the police to come out with a statement without the autopsy being released is inappropriate. more than eight months after he was layed to rest in this unmarked grave, investigators are determined to find out who put him here. jeff hager, abc2 news. police say maloney had prescriptions