in republicans are furious. president obama wants shared sacrifice for millionaires and billionaires. republican wonder boy congressman paul ryan of wisconsin jumped on the president s plan on sunday. class warfare, chris, may make for really good politics, but it makes for rotten economics. we don t need a system that seeks to divide people. we don t need a system that seeks to prey on people s fear, envy and anxiety. we need a system that creates job and innovation and removes the barriers for entrepreneurs to rehire people. same old garbage. the president took direct aim at the class warfare talking point today. we re hearing the usual defenders of this loophole saying this is class warfare. i reject the idea that asking a hedge fund manage tore pay the same tax rate as a plumber or teacher is class warfare. i think it s just the right thing to do. i believe the american middle class who have been pressured relentlessly for decades,
the new york times kw reporte that only 450,000 americans make $1 million or more in this country. can t they do a little bit more in republicans are furious. president obama wants shared sacrifice for millionaires and billionaires. republican wonder boy congressman paul ryan of wisconsin jumped on the president s plan on sunday. class warfare, chris, may make for really good politics, but it makes for rotten economics. we don t need a system that seeks to divide people. we don t need a system that seeks to prey on people s fear, envy and anxiety. we need a system that creates job and innovation and removes the barriers for entrepreneurs to rehire people. same old garbage. the president took direct aim at the class warfare talking point today. we re hearing the usual defenders of this loophole saying this is class warfare. i reject the idea that asking a hedge fund manage tore pay the same tax rate as a plumber or teacher is class warfare. i think it s just the right
buffett. number two on the forbes list of richest americans and a self-man meat worth $47 billion. mr. buffett believes his tax rate is completely unfair. what his secretary pays the middle class rate of 29% on her salary of $60,000 a year, mr. buffett pays just 17% on the reported $46 million he earned last year. he said that s unfair. the congressional republicans need to stop in buffett s words caudling billionaires. the caudling billionaires is almost second nature. they responded with a familiar cry. class warfare may make for good politics and it makes for rotten economics. we don t need a system that seeks to divide people. when you cake an area and tax the people because most people are not those people, that s class warfare.
about 44.8%. we have employers here in wisconsin that pay that tax rate who are competing against countries taxing their businesses like 16% in canada. almost 21% going in england. 25% in china. the world taxes their businesses at 25% and he is saying we will tax these job creators at above 45% with the new tax. what it does is it adds further instability to the system, more uncertainty and punishes job creation and those people who create jobs. class warfare, chris, may make for really good politics but it makes for rotten economics. are we don t need a system that seeks to divide people. we don t need a system that seeks to prey on people s fear envy and anxiety. we need a system that creates job and innovation and removes the barriers for entrepreneurs to hire people. this is being called the buffett rule because it comes after warren buffett, the