(Archived document, may contain errors) 10/1Z/89 115 LIMITING THE DAMAGE FROM THE FEDERAL HOUSING ADMINISTRATION COLLAPSE (Updating Issue Bulletin No. 148, "S.565: Pushing the Federal Housing Administration Toward Bankruptcy," June 12,1989, and BacAgrounder No. 528, "How Congress Can Defuse the Federal Housing Administration Time Bomb," July 29,1986.)
The House Financial Services Committee voted last week to risk thesolvency of the FHA mortgage insurance program and taxmoderate-income homebuyers in order to spend the money on newsubsidized rental housing program layered on top of the severalthat already exist.
Amtrak and its supporters frequently argue that a key reason forAmtrak's manifest deficiencies is the "unfair treatment it receiveswithin the federal budget." Adjusted for the generous roundingprocess applied by Amtrak's management in estimating shares, thefigures show that Amtrak actually did not fare so badly incomparison with the other modes.