Commerce Bank trimmed its position in Etsy, Inc. (NASDAQ:ETSY – Get Rating) by 42.7% during the 2nd quarter, according to its most recent filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The fund owned 3,821 shares of the specialty retailer’s stock after selling 2,845 shares during the quarter. Commerce Bank’s holdings in Etsy were worth […]
Shell Asset Management Co. reduced its stake in shares of Etsy, Inc. (NASDAQ:ETSY – Get Rating) by 34.3% in the 2nd quarter, according to the company in its most recent filing with the Securities & Exchange Commission. The fund owned 3,276 shares of the specialty retailer’s stock after selling 1,714 shares during the period. Shell […]
Az Agrárkifizető Ügynökség (PPA) több kormányon átívelő korrupciós ügye, az Állattenyésztő (Dobytkár) fedőnevű nyomozás bírósági tárgyalása folytatódott szerdán a Specializált Büntetőbíróságon. A PPA egykori ügyvezető igazgatóját, az egyik vádlottat, Ľubomír Partikát hallgatták meg, aki a korábbi vallomását egészítette ki.
Etsy (NASDAQ:ETSY – Get Rating) was downgraded by Loop Capital from a “buy” rating to a “hold” rating in a research report issued to clients and investors on Tuesday, MarketBeat reports. They presently have a $140.00 price objective on the specialty retailer’s stock, down from their previous price objective of $185.00. Loop Capital’s price target […]