The new coalition in The Hague plans to focus on sustainability, climate, animal welfare, social security, and equal opportunities in the coming period. "This means, in addition to income, ensuring adequate housing, a stable living situation, health, equal opportunities in education, and a good, clean living environment," the six parties outlined in the coalition agreement they presented on Monday.
D66, GroenLinks, animal rights party PvdD, PvdA, CDA, and DENK are open to coalition talks in The Hague. According to Arie Slob, recently tasked with assessing potential coalition options after the prior coalition collapsed in June, these six parties represent "the last remaining majority option” for forming a coalition. Hart voor Den Haag and the VVD would not be included in that scenario in the new coalition.
The municipality of The Hague needs at least six parties to form a new coalition to govern the city. Arie Slob issued his advice calling for Hart voor Den Haag, the VVD, animal rights party PvdD, DENK, SP and ChristenUnie/SGP to form a coalition. If that fails, there may be a nine-party alternative with D66, GroenLinks, PvdA, CDA, PvdD, DENK, SP, ChristenUnie/SGP and the Haagse Stadspartij. Slob said on Monday that it is not feasible for the city's aldermen to come from both of the two largest parties in the city in a single coalition. Those are Hart voor Den Haag and D66.