Our Hidden Homeless: Northland campaign goal smashed thanks to generous readers
23 Dec, 2020 06:16 PM
6 minutes to read
Jenny Ling is the Northern Advocate s feature writer and news reporterjenny.ling@nzme.co.nznorthernadvocat
It began as a modest goal to fit out 10 portable cabins with furniture to help vulnerable and struggling Northlanders find a sense of place, and have somewhere to call home.
And we totally smashed it.
The Northern Advocate s Hidden Homeless campaign - a joint effort with Whakamanamai Whānau Trust, The Hits Northland and Solomon Group – has been an outstanding success.
Truckloads of quality furniture and household items, along with donations of several thousand dollars, have been handed over by generous readers in Northland, Auckland, Australia, and even as far as Seattle.