gotten home. it has been nearly 14 minutes since florencio avalos first left the mine. been given about two minutes before this capsule reaches the surface based on radio traffic. believed to be either from the miner or from people on the ground to either the miner or to manuel gonzalez, the rescuer, who is still down below in the mine. the final few moments are
translator: i am i m looking at the cage. we re looking at the images of the cage. this is radio communication from down below. translator: it has arrived. perfect. perfect. let me know when it lanldss. lower. lower. please come through. lower. a little bit lower. little bit lower. there. there. did it land okay? yes. perfect. please stay on the line. there you see manuel gonzalez, the first rescuer there, going to make sure that the phoenix capsule you hear them in the mine clapping. > translator: very good.
first job of the day, check air quality. by midday, paramedic has checked all the miner s vital signs and sent the data to doctors. they have to do blood and urine tests and check for skin infections. miners help the rescue effort, clearing debris from drills now boring an escape shaft. at 4:00 p.m., day shift ends. miners play games. listen to music and work out on the orders of a personal trainer far above. usually the truck operators are quite fat because they are sitting down all day. they have a personal trainer to help them cut down their waistline so they can fit in the rescue capsule. miners spend their day wandering up and down between
to move on. reporter: good karma, for sure, and good political sense here, too, because what people are talking ability as well in social media is that the president made a great political calculation because his numbers have gone up because he staked his presidency on it. the approval rating according to one report, has gone up from 50 to 70%. zain verjee, thank you very much. great talking to you, and great coverage that you brought around the world on cnn international. what a remarkable story. tony, this is the stuff we do best. breaking news. this is our brand, cnn. kyra, have a great day. we re going to pick it up and run with it from here. hugs, kisses. cheers and tears as the unprecedented rescue of 33 miners unfolds before our eyes. one by one, hour after hour, miners step out of the rescue capsule and into the arms of
control of the whole operation. you don t want to get complacent and get ahead of yourself. they ve had plenty of time to put a plan into place and the main purpose is to follow that plan. stick to the plan. the only time you want to vary from the plan is if you have to. as we ve been watching, they re sticking to their plan and so far they haven t had any problems to have to address a different avenue. it s interesting. people are wondering how we are seeing these pictures. the chilean government set up this satellite and signal. they were able to broadcast from above the surface but 2,300 feet below. we re seeing the miners step into that rescue capsule. they ve removed the block to stop the rise to the surface. they remove the block which means the capsule is very close now to the surface. in just a couple seconds we ll probably see mario gomez emerge.