Imran Khan’s recent sweeping electoral victory is indicative of a continually increasing support base for the leader as also a referendum for the convening of early elections in the.
“We must be free not because we claim freedom, but because we practice it” — William Faulkner Pakistan has been an independent country since 1947, but few have been the occasions.
My friend, Lt-Gen Tariq Khan, has scribbled his thoughts after a longish break. In his latest piece titled ‘Tyranny of misrule’, he says thus: “So here we are. As Europe rages in.
A large number of audio leaks have surfaced chronicling conversations that took place in the Prime Minister’s Office, mostly discussing policy matters that involved members of the cabinet and.
The vicious circus that has gone on in the country over the last few months is both bewildering and worrisome. For such has been its wickedness and its divorce of everything righteous that it shames.