mr. kim, thank you so much form coming on . so it s hard to have perspective on this for most people, including me, when youee see these videos, how significant, how serioushoio are these protests potentially?w do you think? years in well, we ve never seen protests like this in overwill 30 years in china, and it really will force the chinese evvernment to change their governance model. ever since tiananmen square, tucker, what the chinese communis since t thet party has. they said we re not goingengage to let that happen again. th re going to engage in i the largest, massive aga surveillance state in the history of the world againsinn ci.t our own citizens. and if we get even a whiff ofmp discontent, we re going to stamp it out. and they ve been successful inat doing that. nais is the first time in thirty three years that we ve pl now seen nationwide protests.em and it s not just a problem or the challenge for jinping and the chinese communist party d from just a one issue covid iss