Thursday, May 13
Knitting/Crochet Class: 2-4 p.m., M’burg Library, for all ages. Classes this day/time weekly. Bring one 5-ounce skein/ball/roll of medium yarn and 1 size F crochet hook. Beginner’s project is a scarf. Others may do scarf or own projects.
Lego Club: 4-5 p.m., Mechanicsburg Library, for ages 5-12. Imagine it. Build it. Legos and K’nex provided. Donations of new and gently used Legos and funds to buy more welcome.
Friday, May 14
“Those Who Wish Me Dead”: 7:30 p.m. The Gloria Theatre, downtown Urbana. Rated R
Coloring for Relaxation: 10 a.m.-7 p.m., Mechanicsburg Public Library, for ages 13 and older. Stop by library any time during this period to relax by coloring. All materials provided.