Yaya FofanaUne nouvelle crise se profile à l horizon au sein du Mouvement des forces d avenir (MFA) membre du Rassemblem. - KOACI l Info au Coeur de l Afrique
yeah, they typically get about two briefings every single day. and i might send it back to you, i think we might want to listen. yeah, let s listen. still, struggling to know about the results, with their own family members, and i can tell you that following yesterday s visit by president biden, meeting for three hours, and the sense today that there is more relief, assurance, and comfort. his role as assurer and chief is very important and he does it better than anyone else. i want to announce his proactive announcement that the forecast government would provide 100%
G7, Otan, UE, puis Vladimir Poutine : le président américain Joe Biden s'envole mercredi pour l'Europe avec un double objectif affiché : rassurer les alliés et adresser une mise en garde à la Russie