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Transcripts for KSMF 89.1 FM/KSBA 88.5 FM/KSKF 90.9 FM/KNCA 89.7 FM/KNSQ 88.1 FM/KVUA 91.5 FM [Jefferson Public Radio Rhythm & News] KSMF 89.1 FM/KSBA 88.5 FM/KSKF 90.9 FM/KNCA 89.7 FM/KNSQ 88.1 FM/KVUA 91.5 FM [Jefferson Public Radio Rhythm & News] 20191119 220000

They sing so pretty together that s Mark Knopfler and Emmy Lou Harris from real live road running. That s a live version of their tunes from all the road running but this tune was all that matters before that money bishop from the walka played every happiness under the sun and you heard villagers in their 2 summer song that s a single from them my cookie one nuke from the album key when I played living in denial I ll have a look at the weather in just a moment stay tuned You re listening to the rhythm and news service of Jefferson Public Radio 4 witnesses testified before lawmakers on the 3rd day of open hearings in the house his impeachment inquiry Plus how Frank Sinatra song My Way came to represent an idea of American masculinity saying ultimately I did it right and I did it in my own way so you could look at Frank Sinatra s kind of asserting his American missed Frank Sinatra and the latest on impeachment this afternoon on All Things Considered from n.p.r. News that s all things c


Transcripts for KSMF 89.1 FM/KSBA 88.5 FM/KSKF 90.9 FM/KNCA 89.7 FM/KNSQ 88.1 FM/KVUA 91.5 FM [Jefferson Public Radio Rhythm & News] KSMF 89.1 FM/KSBA 88.5 FM/KSKF 90.9 FM/KNCA 89.7 FM/KNSQ 88.1 FM/KVUA 91.5 FM [Jefferson Public Radio Rhythm & News] 20191118 110000

Country of Croatia shot at migrants trying to slip into neighboring Slovenia duenna kisses reports one man s in critical condition speaking to reporters gracious interior minister dot org dozen of it would not say how many migrants had been shot at he also did not reveal their nationalities he did say that one of the migrants has been hospitalized because of gunshot wounds he promised authorities would investigate Kray shows cracking down on border security because it s trying to get into the European Union s passport free zone the e.u. Drastically tightened its borders after 2015 when more than a 1000000 migrants arrived the few migrants who managed to get in now travel through Balkan countries like Gratian Mia as they try to reach Western Europe neighboring Bosnia which is not in the e.u. Accuses Gratiot of pushing back migrants for n.p.r. News I m Joanna a casus You re listening to n.p.r. News from Washington. Police in Fresno California say 10 people have been shot at a party wher


Transcripts for KSMF 89.1 FM/KSBA 88.5 FM/KSKF 90.9 FM/KNCA 89.7 FM/KNSQ 88.1 FM/KVUA 91.5 FM [Jefferson Public Radio Rhythm & News] KSMF 89.1 FM/KSBA 88.5 FM/KSKF 90.9 FM/KNCA 89.7 FM/KNSQ 88.1 FM/KVUA 91.5 FM [Jefferson Public Radio Rhythm & News] 20191117 050000

the nurse in honor of use today taking the part of oh fall in love it s so nice to be a leaf even though I am at the end of my you know. Leaf tell me are you with all anxious about. How to say this. Oh no no they say it s like going to sleep soon it will grow colder and darker and I well I will simply be there less and less snow into the do a leaf I must say that you are facing this crumbling faith. No no we leaves are a philosophical lot for our lives are but 2 seasons long unless we are pressed into a book or used by a child to make art and so we know that one day the great tree will lose its grip and then we will fly on the back of the wind but even the wind must rest and thus We heard the shaken all over the who blow for that Danny Rolling Stone blur turning up and opening Mothers of Invention were heard why don t you do me right. It still retro lounge you re tuned into with your hosts Lars and the nurse Well you know one might think that he or she knows what to expect here in t


Transcripts for KSMF 89.1 FM/KSBA 88.5 FM/KSKF 90.9 FM/KNCA 89.7 FM/KNSQ 88.1 FM/KVUA 91.5 FM [Jefferson Public Radio Rhythm & News] KSMF 89.1 FM/KSBA 88.5 FM/KSKF 90.9 FM/KNCA 89.7 FM/KNSQ 88.1 FM/KVUA 91.5 FM [Jefferson Public Radio Rhythm & News] 20191117 030000

Watermelon Man that is Mungo center a and his band that is an abbreviated and somewhat popularized rendering of a bebop jazz piece that was written by Herbie Hancock where the story goes in the fall of 1982 Herbie Hancock was filling in on piano one time with Mongo Santa Maria as band this was a jazz club and by request Herbie Hancock played the melody well of Santa Maria and his band joined in folks got up and started dancing went over pretty well so Mongo Santa Maria asked Herbie Hancock if he could maybe go ahead and record the song and presto top 10 record in the spring of 1963. I m Craig Faulkner and you are tuned to American rhythm the gourmet oldie show part one of the Thanksgiving edition of all songs about food so I want to continue here with another watermelon song this is an old traditional that was purportedly written and at least was 1st copyrighted all the way back in 1882 by one Thomas p. Westendorf under the title watermelon smiling on the vine There have been a number


Transcripts for KSMF 89.1 FM/KSBA 88.5 FM/KSKF 90.9 FM/KNCA 89.7 FM/KNSQ 88.1 FM/KVUA 91.5 FM [Jefferson Public Radio Rhythm & News] KSMF 89.1 FM/KSBA 88.5 FM/KSKF 90.9 FM/KNCA 89.7 FM/KNSQ 88.1 FM/KVUA 91.5 FM [Jefferson Public Radio Rhythm & News] 20191117 200000

Well. You know. You re. Winning. We re wanting cool. We. Like the one. Way. Or when. You re When. You re. Poor. Why. You use the word. Goal when you. Like a long way. With someone. When d Autumn in New York. d d d d d in New York. It s bells the through. READY READY and shimmering cool oh in your hair and years and serves the. They re. Seeing me fit to. Hit show me the new breed your. Bird brings the. Oh here s a. Dream her. Married. Her for her to. Hit. It s good to. Hear. All of them in New York. Doug removed Dallas in Sandown. The out of them into the hour of. It leaves you. Where you run. Is and. Devos is. At the Ritz. With him to do. Eat eat. This. Is in Rio. Grande farms does not. Do Mayfair. Orwill off them in the. You need though gas. And sparingly. And levers that lead. To the down. Or on the benches and sent Jubran. Greed. It s good to live it if you. Are. All. That brings. a moment support comes from our listeners and from Digg and live in natural foods farm and ca


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