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Transcripts for BFBS Brize Norton BFBS Brize Norton 20180722 230000

SRA who founded the white helmets has expressed joy at their evacuation but said many more remain in danger the Syria at because he managed to save the children Caroline unning says some aid workers a staying behind despite incredible risks they face Thai don t know whether it s a sustainable solution to trying to evacuate everybody because then who is left to help the children the families the civilians who are left behind you know our partners are running schools in I.D.P. Camps in conflict zones in basements shelters sometimes and there s heavy air strikes that s taking aid across conflict lines there that presence and that work advice is being reported by today s Daily Telegraph that it s seen leaked documents revealing that Britain has secretly abandoned its blanket opposition to the death penalty to allow 2 notorious members of so-called Islamic state to be sent to the United States the paper says the U.K. Government has agreed to 100 intelligence to help enable the men currentl


Transcripts for BFBS Brize Norton BFBS Brize Norton 20180722 180000

Still hundreds of people still at risk they say it s really impressive. To get to pull these people and their families out but at the same time the pilots is ongoing and. Their families. Without access to as foreign aid and many. Parts of the way help at delivering aid running schools running hospitals who also care for their lives. Step forward but we shouldn t take. A 3 year old boy who suffered serious burns to his face and suspected acid attack has been allowed to leave hospital police say the child was deliberately targeted in a shop in Worcester yesterday afternoon Chief Superintendent Mark Travis of West Mercia Police says the public can help to catch you have a responsible for a. Very very high prices a very cohesive community what we re paying for them I m is any information that can help us try to understand what the motive might be and who may have done this which is why police images people away when she was speaking to him may be able to help us with our inquiries officia


Transcripts for BFBS Brize Norton BFBS Brize Norton 20180722 210000

Persecuted tortured imprisoned made to make false confessions in these things so there was this really major international pressure to get these people out detectives in was to have released C.C.T.V. Images of 3 men they want to speak to about a suspected acid attack on a 3 year old boy he suffered serious burns when the liquid was thrown on him in a shop yesterday afternoon he s been discharged from hospital the 39 year old man from Wolverhampton has been arrested a foreign policy advisers a Donald Trump during the 2016 election campaign has denied being a Russian agent cos the page said the F.B.I. Allegations were ridiculous beyond words documents published by the F.T. F.B.I. Contained details about his relationships with Russian intelligence officials speaking on C.N.N. Mr Page said the claims were misleading it s just beyond words you know if you re talking about misleading the courts it s just so misleading going through those 400 plus page documents you know where do you even be


Transcripts for BFBS Brize Norton BFBS Brize Norton 20180721 120000

This is the 2nd to been agreed in the past week to prevent the escalation in fighting becoming another conflict neither Israel nor Hamas appears to have the appetite for a new war but the tensions between them on going away 10 members of Iran s Revolutionary Guards are said to have been killed and attacked between the Iraqi border they also took place near an area where Kurdish militia groups have been active teams of specialist officers in hazmat suits are continuing their search for traces of Navi chalk at Queen Elizabeth gardens insoles very Charlie Rowley was released from hospital yesterday 3 weeks after being poisoned by the nerve agent his partner Dawn Sturges has died Chief Constable of Wilcher police care Pritchard says they want to keep the public safe but he s also sought out another carrot key target to help the iris of sorcery and spring return to a position of normality I recognise the impact this has had on all of our communities thank you again for your ongoing support


Transcripts for BFBS Brize Norton BFBS Brize Norton 20180720 130000

Brussels plan saying it would mean a customs border in the Irish Sea and insisted there ll be no change at the border with the Republicans only have to speak to businesses near the border as I did yesterday to say that the notion of a hard border is almost inconceivable thousands of people who cross and recross between the U.K. And in the normal course of their daily lives cannot be subject to a halt as they go to work visit a neighbor or go to the supermarket Russia says it is willing to discuss a proposed new meeting with President Putin and Donald Trump in Washington following an invitation from the White House the American president has been widely criticized for not challenging Mr Putin s denials of Russian interference in the U.S. Elections more strongly when they met in Helsinki on Monday Jim Himes a Democratic congressman thinks Americans need to know what happened during that meeting before any future summits take place we took a swing this morning trying to subpoena for test


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