"Only Murders In the Building" follows a trinity of true crime enthusiasts (and probable fixed signs) played by Selena Gomez, Steve Martin and Martin Short as they trauma bond over bloodshed, clues and the lies they tell each other.
A new season, a new show, a new murder! Play armchair detective alongside Charles, Oliver, and Mabel with our recap of the first 2 episodes of Season 3 of "Only Murders in the Building."
Mabel goes glove-to-glove with the lead detective on her case in "Sparring Partners," the penultimate episode of Season 2 of "Only Murders in the Building."
A new clue appears in "The Tell," the 5th episode of Season 2 of "Only Murders in the Building." Try to salve the murder before our heroes with this week's detailed episode recap.
Charles comes face-to-face with an important part of his past that may hold a key to solving Bunny's murder in "Here's Looking at You.," the 4th episodes of Season 2 of "Only Murders in the Building."