p pictures of the permitting reform, but again from a budget deal perspective, anyone paying attention, this is about where we would be given how the house, senate and white house are controlled right now. so i think passage is highly likely, i d put it that way. congressman, thank you for coming on today. appreciate your time. historic day in space, but not for the united states. so who else is setting up camp in orbit? and a world famous canal in venice turns green. ooh. what is behind all of this. you. but if your teeth no longer work as hard as you do, aspen dental is here with smile replacement t solutions that work for your life. whwhether it s your first step, or a fast fix, you can get in today for all your denture needs, all at an affordable price.
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start to see what things look like on the ground a bit better. back over to you. jennifer, thank you very much. it s a little bit of a mixed bag. water obviously helpful in fighting fire but it s more helpful to firefighters by wetting down surrounding areas in wildfire situations to control movement. the wind, it all depends on which way it blows. they re going to have to see the intensity of it and the direction. and we are seeing pictures of people being treated right now, football field, sports field, open fields. triage right there. people simply laying on the grass. wet don t want them outside when the severe weather rolls in. you can see p pictures of what they re dealing with since the fire started. all throughout the night. still ongoing. search and rescue. we re going to take a break. when we come back we will be monitoring the situation there. if you ve been watching, it s very fluid. we will get the very latest situation from the ground. ce is great, but i wondered