The designs that architect Lenise Candiotto Guimarães crafted throughout her decades-long career left a lasting influence on the aesthetics of neighborhoods throughout Truckee and North Tahoe.
Talks continued last month regarding Truckee’s 2021 Roadway Vegetation Management Project following an outcry of public comments from those living in the areas where work is being done.
By Justin Scacco | Special to The Union
Truckee is removing vegetation along select neighborhoods as part of its 2021 Roadway Vegetation Management plan. Roadways in yellow show treatments that are currently underway, blue shows roadways that will be treated in the next two weeks, green shows roadways that are treated, and red marks roadways that are untreated.
town of Truckee
A project that got underway in mid-April has drawn the ire of several residents in Truckee’s Glenshire, Sierra Meadows, and Prosser Lakeview neighborhoods.
Truckee recently began work on its 2021 Roadway Vegetation Management plan a project that includes removal of vegetation within 10 feet of the edge of road along 42 miles of roadside.