Wont work for a future financial problem and thats an issue that you mentioned is not quite so popular domestically in germany but how about in france itself tell us a little bit more about the situation facing micron at home and whether or not you know his own people support his Reform Agenda as strongly as they did when they elected him. So you have to probably make the difference here between the reforms hes having planned for the european level i would say that most french are in agreement with that that germany should bear more responsibility also financially that the European Union should back away from austerity but of course as you mentioned he has a whole set of problems here that are homemade were going to go for example to one of those many demonstrations we saw in the past thats about to start in an hour or so from the Railroad Workers that are on strike until june not every day but many of those days and those are not the only ones that dont think that the reforms
demonstrate european union a unity as far as that is possible certainly that this frank german engine is working rather well particularly ahead of the visit both leaders will make in the coming week which is first french president manuel mccall heading to washington meeting with donald trump and then at the end of week the german chancellor but how high is the pressure would you say to find some common solutions here i mean is it likely that we re going to see some major breakthroughs in june or ahead of june even. well the big question is will they be able to press present a major. while the major architect of both the banking union but also something a kind of buffer for states that could be heading for trouble by june now if you talk to parliamentarians from angela merkel s own party here in germany they simply do not see that there s a lot of internal pressure here in germany for germany not to be too loose with