When Judge Edgar S. Vaught died in 1959, his obituary said he was best known for presiding at the trial of the kidnappers of the Oklahoma City oilman Charles Urschel.
Long before the Sacklers appeared on the scene, families like the Astors, the Peabodys, and the Delanos cemented their upper-crust status through the global trade in opium.
The end of one of the most consequential American political careers of the last 65 years is in sight. The state of Vermont and the United States are watching the
Calvin Coolidge was not an ideologue, but rather believed in a conservative philosophy. In other words, he did not worship at the altar of free markets. Coolidge understood that it was important to place the good of the nation above ideology. Today’s Republican Party can learn a lesson from Coolidge.
During the fourth Republican presidential candidate debate, the four participating candidates were asked to name a past president who would serve as an inspiration for their administration.