wages are going up. there are so many things that are obviously positive, but that inflation thing has got a lot of people worried. it s highlands ever been in 40 years, and that is a lot of people in the pocketbook. they go to the stores, right now, and they re seeing empty shelves, because of supply chain issues, it s created this our mood. whether it s his fault or not, he will be held responsible. that s how it always works. now, the positive possibility for the president is that some of this begins to change in the next few months. if there is some pollack back of inflation, with omicron wave receding, and they get their handle on testing, in some of these other issues on the virus, you can see a scenario where things get better by and things are looking out for democrats. right, now they re not feeling it. the public is feeling quite down about things, very frustrated about where things are going. they re taking it out on the. presser things are dark in cold, on this january