college-educated whites and her campaign pointing to policy plans as a major part of her outreach to black voters. since the tart of her 2020 campaign, the senator has focused on themes of systemic racism and economic inequality trying to address concerns specific to african-americans and many of her policy outlines. african-americans are about half as likely to own their own businesses, to start their own successful businesses. reporter: the specificity of some of warren s ideas striking a nerve. doctors and nurses don t hear african-american women s medical issues the same way that they hear the same things from white women. i got a plan. [ applause ] and here s the plan. reporter: but warren has less than four months until voting begins to make deeperen roads
at that be? we ve still got three very important pieces to finish. we finished the election kurt. we don t the assessment on more work to to administration. we ve got to make sure that we give a more conclusive report on social media, as well as some policy outlines or with prp i collusion. you say reserving judgment on that. because we are a year into the mueller investigation right now. you talked to republicans, you talk to white house and they say that have no eye it nrn. if there was not more to be investigated and more facts to
we couldn t have gotten the paris agreement done. china s not the one who was going around organizing 200 nations to sign onto a paris agreement other putting together the paper and the policy outlines and the conceptual frame work. russia is a very significant military power but they re not worrying right now about how to rebuild after a hurricane in haiti. we are. i ve said before that s a burden that we should carry proudly. i would hope that not just the 45th president of the united states but every president of the united states understands that s not only a burden but it s also an extraordinary
people are put it in context of the ceconomy and health care and big issues is not enough for mitt romney to come out and say this is inefficient, unconstitutional in our view. it s incumbent on his team to lay out a clear alternative to obama care. if you don t want this, if the house is going to strike it down next week in a vote, you better be prepared to put something on the table for those independent voters out there, particularly the moms out there who have a sick child at home or caring for a parent who has still a lot of questions about all this. if you re not answering those questions, you re going to have a real problem. are we going to hear any clear policy outlines from mitt romney s campaign before november? that doesn t seem to be part of the strategy. make this election a çr referendum on the president and leave as much of the future agenda fuzzy as possible and make it all about president obama. this, you know, one of the unintended koconsequences for t romney
they actually make these decisions in something called terror tuesdays. actually, these are sort of operation decisions. so terror tuesdays is a policy meeting that takes place. and they talk about sort of the broad policy outlines. or the kill list, which you wrote about. the kill list and the operations are brought to the white house on an as-needed basis. this is not coming up every single tuesday, as you can imagine. so, we can talk about how this works. there are two methods by which the president sort of gets nominees, if you will, of people who should be put on this list. the first is they come to him through the cia. so the cia is sort of an internal process, mainly in pakistan involving people in pakistan. that then gets funneled up to john brennan, his counter terrorism chief, who can bat things back at any point if he