safety of his family since the vote. in a new interview, gonzales calls trump a cancer for the country. well, won t it only metastasize without people in that party willing to speak truth to power? let s turn to a member of the grand, ole party. a real one and a better mind. conservative radio show host, mike broomhead of the mike broomhead show. it s good to have you back on prime-time, brother. always good to talk to you, chris. heading into tomorrow, would you have liked more members of your party to say, look, you want to protest? fine. but do not do blah, blah, blah, this is not patriotism, blah, blah, blah, any of the obvious things? yeah. i mean, i think, you know, first of all, i don t think that the fence needed to go up around the capitol again. i don t think that needed to happen. but i will say this. um, anybody who was inside the capitol that day doing damage should be punished. i had tears in my eyes watching members of my party, people carrying the american flag an
There has been a lot of talk in recent months about the schism in the Republican Party, with the “Stop the Steal” wing, steadfastly loyal to former President Trump, on one side, and what one Republican pollster referred to me last week as the “reality-based” wing on the other. The contrast between the approaches and personalities of the two top Republican leaders in Congress is about as stark as any we have seen, and underscores the oddity of this time in the history of the Grand Ole Party.
RNC Pride tweet: The elephant in the room
Wednesday, June 9, 2021 |
Tony Perkins - Guest Columnist Perkins
If Ronna McDaniel was looking for a way to end her party s record-breaking fundraising, she nailed it. Right now, there are few things the RNC chairwoman could have said that would have been more tone-deaf and offensive than applauding the woke agenda her base is trying to combat.
A handful of days into this rainbow deluge, the air of LGBT pride is so suffocating that people could choke. It s plastered across social media, corporate logos, cereal boxes, even big box stores pandering displays. This month, fans can t even go to a San Francisco Giants game without being bombarded with the league s first Pride-color uniforms. But one place conservatives thought they were safe from all this nonsense was the Republican National Committee. Turns out, their chairwoman is just as happy as anyone to pull on the LGBT jersey.
We are not talking enough about the “Big Lie.” The Handmaid’s Tale season 4 is finally here. With the years since it first aired, the Hulu original that forecasts a totalitarian, theocratic takeover of the United States is starting to feel more and more like a near-future documentary. Now, I’m probably not the first to have this “art-imitating-life” thought but there are some haunting prelusions to our Founders’ warnings about our anti-government reflexes and mob rule.
In the fictional world of Gilead where women become property and are bred by radical, elite, alt-Christian rebels, you have to believe there was an effective messaging campaign that foreshadowed their military one. And if I’m a betting man, which is still illegal in Kentucky, I’d bet that the trust and faith in elections was the first casualty in that war.