PLx Pharma Inc. (NASDAQ:PLXP – Get Rating) shares crossed below its 200-day moving average during trading on Wednesday . The stock has a 200-day moving average of $0.36 and traded as low as $0.12. PLx Pharma shares last traded at $0.14, with a volume of 291,552 shares trading hands. PLx Pharma Price Performance The company’s […]
This cluster randomized clinical trial assesses the effect of a coordinated, multifaceted intervention of assessment, education, and feedback vs usual care on t
CHICAGO — Cangrelor infusion in adults with CAD pretreated with ticagrelor was associated with enhanced platelet inhibition compared with placebo, with no observed drug-drug interactions in the cangrelor group, researchers reported.“We know the current label for the use of cangrelor is for patients who have not been pretreated with an oral P2Y12 inhibitor,” Dominick J.