Updated, europeans have been using pin and chip technology, there is a chip in there, you have to type a pin in to work. For us, it is easier with a ma magnetic strip. This is the same thing we used with an atm machine 25 years ago. Charles we could use old magnetic strips, this is an unmitiged disaster, a lot of people are saying who is responsible . The target . Credit Card Companies . The industry, this is happening to you oingto too often. You are correct. Is it a bigger thing . The industry of Financial Service has known about this but has not upgrad the technology, a lot departments on how it happened, if it shows that the retailer do not do Due Diligence they need to protect the data is one thing. Other question, why in the world are we storing 40 million records of people with credit card information, pin numbers, all these other things, we dont need to do that. Charles do yoo know if they did get the pin numbers and three digit security codes, it was not clear to this point .