ORANGE An Annual Town Meeting that lasted nearly nine hours over three nights resulted in residents agreeing to amended salary increases for certain town jobs.Voters worked their way through a seven-article Special Town Meeting and 12 articles on.
ORANGE Following two hours of discussion Wednesday evening, the Selectboard voted to offer the town accountant job to a municipal newcomer in hopes the decision serves as a long-term investment in the town’s future.Selectboard members voted to.
ORANGE The Selectboard has assembled a search committee tasked with finding a replacement for Town Accountant Gail Weiss, who is set to retire May 13.Weiss joins Town Administrator Gabriele Voelker, Human Resource Benefits Specialist Amber Robidoux.
ORANGE The Selectboard has assembled a search committee tasked with finding a replacement for Town Accountant Gail Weiss, who is set to retire May 13.Weiss joins Town Administrator Gabriele Voelker, Human Resource Benefits Specialist Amber Robidoux.
ORANGE Following hesitation about putting an obsolete piece of military equipment on display in Memorial Park, the Selectboard’s representative for the Trustees of Soldiers Memorial has agreed to approach his fellow American Legion members about.