reporter: in florida, satisfying his habit was easy. he would doctor shop, going from win pill mill to the next. the amounts are ridiculous. they would give him 240 of 30 milligram oxies and an additional 120. 360 pills? and 90 xanax and go on to another pill mill. reporter: broward county was the epicenter for painkiller pill mills. 27 in one city, oakland park. police con didded raids. as soon as was one shut down, another would open. people from across the southeastern united states came here for pills. florida became known as the oxy cotton express. in two counties in florida, broward and palm beach, over 9 million oxycodone pills were
items to his room. moammar gadhafi is ready for a cease-fire, parentally, according to the south african president trying to broker a truce. gadhafi is not promising to step down, which is the main demand of the rebels. sarah palin s one-nation bus tour is in gettysburg, finally. there are times when she sounds like a would-be presidential candidate. she still isn t ready to call her tour anything but a campaign for america s constitution. the tour started in washington wag. then, it continued on to pennsylvania. there was some confusion about where exactly her bus was headed at times. she refuses to tell the so-called mainstream media exactly where she is going. her co-worker, greta van susteren was invited on the bus. she said, despite how things look, her one nation tour is not political. it is not about me. it is not a publicity-seeking tour. it is about highlighting the great things about america and the media can figure out where we are going if they do their inve