it would have been worse. who wants to hear that when you ve put your life on the line and are dealing with the trauma of what actually did happen, which we shouldn t be making light of. she said, we would have won. i know you don t support these comments, but what does that mean, we would have won? who knows exactly what she went. it s hard to understand her sometimes. even if she was joking, she s implicitly validating the efforts of these people and someone like that really has no place in our politics. she s reflective of a type of person who sees our institutions as performive playgrounds where fact and fission and truth and un-truth blend together because it s all about the performance. people like this shouldn t be in our politics and they shouldn t have committee assignments, either. so i think the real problem is what to do about this kind of thing now that it s happened. it seems like a win would have been donald trump remaining in office, right?
“Chuyến xe yêu thương” không chỉ mang trên mình rau xanh và nhu yếu phẩm mà còn chứa đựng tình cảm của người dân Ninh Thuận, góp sức cùng người dân thành phố mang tên Bác sớm ngày vượt qua đại dịch.
5 giờ sáng 21/8, chuông điện thoại reo vang. Tôi cầm máy. Đầu dây bên kia, lái xe Trần Văn Hòa nói nhanh: “Xe tới Sài Gòn lúc 1 giờ, em đã giao xong hàng hỗ trợ người dân mắc Covid-19 tại quán Đồng Xanh, đường Trường Chinh, quận 12. Giờ xe quay đầu v