Parks and places of communicated and thanks to the mayor and the department of technology and supervisor farrell and google. We had a very very unique partnership that was able to bring wifi to our most heavily used parks and squares. Parks in particular are really important way of life and quality of life and so is connectivity. Bringing those two things together in a project like this is right on target with what San Francisco is and wants to be. Its all about breaking apart the divide. The people with expensive data plan can have access to information and economy. This is really breaking down the Digital Divide and giving people across the spectrum the opportunity to information and giving them mobility and freedom. Particularly by investing in connectivity in park spaces we are also ensuring the connection to Digital Inclusion opportunities and parks are designed for all neighborhoods. People are on the move. They are no longer chained to their desk tops at home. People can accompl
Lake county sonoma, napa and butte areas in their disaster and maybe a quick moment in our own minds and hearts about the lost lives there. I think its appreciated. And i also want to give particular thank you to our Fire Department, and our firefighters, who over the past week have not only gone up there in as many volunteer hours as possible, with equipment, hopefully we never have to use down here and hopefully, we keep our fires down, but in response to that tremendous disaster that you you already know the statistics on. 800 homes, thousands of peoples lives destroyed, that were there to assist. If it isnt medical and now perhaps our Public Health is being asked to submit Mental Health professionals to help. As our firefighters giving toys to kids who lost everything and giving them a chance to have some play as people rebuild their lives. That reminds me this is the 10th anniversary of katrina, and knowing that a huge disaster happens in the other counties constantly were more th
The city of San Francisco sfgtv joint meeting of the budget and finance committe occurring oct 7, 2015, will begin shortly. Good morning and welcome to the budget and finance Committee Meeting and, my name is supervisor mark farrell and i am joined by tang and i want to thank the sfgtv as well as the clerk. Do you have any announcements . Please silence all cell phones, items acted upon today will be appearing on the october, 20th board of supervisors agenda, unless otherwise stated. Could you call item one . Resolution, authorizing the sfpuc general manager to accept an additional award through the sfpuc mlu, with the Solano County water agency for the implementation for a Regional Water conservation program, funded in part by the grant funds from the California Department of Water Resources for a total of award up to 1 million. Good morning. And chair person, and the members of the budget and finance committee, i am amanda and the administrator with the Public Utilities commission an
This meeting will now come to order this is the regular meeting the Land Use Commission im chair and to my right is supervisor wiener the vice chair and to my left supervisor kim and victor young it our clerk and thank you leo and herb from sfgovtv for broadcasting this mr. Clerk, any announcements . Yes. Completed speaker cards and documents to be included should be submitted to the clerk. Items acted upon today will appear on the october 6, 2015, bobs agenda oracles. A call item one. Is the regulation for the freeway operation with the state of california permitting maintenance responsibility for hoig 101 and the director ever public works to accept the agreement. Ladies and gentlemen, so this item number one is supported before i the sfmta i believe we have both mta and dpw staff with us today deanna from dpw and mr. Paul from mta lets see im not sure who will be speaking first mta please come on up thank you for joining us today. Good afternoon, supervisors im deanna im with the Sa
Is it auto lanes . So, how is that going to be balanced . Because we may create better traffic patterns for the bicyclist, but then we have more congestion for autos if we have to give up space. So, i think thats going to be a real consideration because it is already congested for autos regardless whether you have bikes or not. Agreed. I think thats why we wanted to take the idea of developing a conceptual design through this public process rather than load onto ceqa and the other implementation measures because its too early for us to answer all those questions. Like we mentioned before, i think the implementation requirements themselves are going to be a public conversation about what the projects are and how you best meet that balance. I think you helped, i wasant sure hearing this presentation, but i understood how youre really going to change everything on the embarcadaro really as far as the bike lanes that exist today. I dont know that registered with me initially ~. Yes, and th