The town of Dillon officially approved prices for overnight parking in town lots, which is set to start this winter. For the past few months, Town Council members toyed with various pricing structures and options..
Photo by Liz Copan / Summit Daily archives
It’s time for Dillon residents and visitors to get their reusable bags ready.
The town of Dillon will push forward with its disposable plastic bag ban next month despite some concerns about how the town’s new regulations will work with statewide fees and bans on the way in the coming years.
In November 2020, Dillon joined Breckenridge, Frisco, Aspen, Steamboat Springs, Telluride and other municipalities across Colorado in taking a stand against single-use plastic bags and other disposable items. Dillon’s ordinance will go into effect Aug. 1 and includes an outright ban on most businesses and restaurants providing disposable plastic bags and polystyrene containers, like Styrofoam, to customers.