well, i m not exactly sure what the impetus was, but the port commissioners, there are five elected folks from king county, held a public meeting to discuss it. they announced it, they gave us a few days notice, then went on and signed the deal. describe to me what the citizen and politics reaction to it has been? well, as you can imagine, seattle does not support drilling in the arctic. such a behavior is both destructive to the natural environment up in the arctic and po stench 5th here in seattle. the climate change thread is so real. any world where we re pulling oil out of the arctic and into the atmosphere is where we ve well surpassed that temperature rise that s sustainable on our planet. i think this is a key point and people think about it in big, abstract terms, but every bit of oil infrastructure and fossil fuel extraction has to happen somewhere, a coal export
i can t not tease jay about the brother way he was talking. i m a rap guy. i know, but it is another interesting and funny thing about race. some people would feel that you co-oped it, and other people feel like that s his background and that is cool, too. someone takes my wallet, it is interesting since you were talking i am actually black, but you assumed otherwise, and this is the sort of awkwardness. but on top of all of that, i m clearly brown skill, and people say you talk white, you act white, you want to be white, you re white. can you have that conversation, or anything around with the person handing you the espresso. that is so unfair.
i think this is a key point and people think about it in big, abstract terms, but every bit of oil infrastructure and fossil fuel extraction has to happen somewhere, a coal export terminal, a pipeline that goes to the middle of the united states, some drilling rigs stored in the port of seattle. every one of those places is a site to have some kind of political action to block it. absolutely. you know, the idea of drilling in arctic, i think it s important for folks to understand, it s an idea that makes no sense. all the other major players have pulled out of the arctic. shell is the only one left. the ports they were looking at to host this fleet was seattle and dutch harbor, alaska. dutch harbor is problematic, because the weather is so severe. so if they re not in seattle, it may be the end of arctic drilling for the future. they don t have the argument
harry carson, a real pleasure. thanks for being here. you can get shamed and fined in seattle if you don t recycle properly. looks like a doughnut box. this is recycle, this is compost, but we need to take the plastic doo hickies out of it. the checkers will tag your can with a warning like this one, then on the next utility bill there will be a $1 for each collection. the tags are tough to miss. you could have them if you re violating the new garbage law. you can imagine how people in seattle are reacting to the news that shell oil has come to town. that s next.
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