Mudajaya Group Bhd, through its wholly owned subsidiary Mudajaya Corporation Bhd, has accepted a letter of award from Kotra Pharma (M) Sdn Bhd for a RM64.1 million construction project in Taman Teknologi Cheng, Melaka.
The year 2019 witnessed a myriad of statutory adjudication disputes in Malaysia. The surge in the number of disputes involving the statutory adjudication mechanism in the Construction Industry Payment and Adjudication Act (CIPAA) 2012 also led to a significant number of consequential challenges to adjudication decisions in the courts. This article highlights the notable decisions handed down by the Malaysian courts in 2019 and their effect on the future application of the CIPAA.
Prospective effect of CIPAA
The following noteworthy appeals marked the beginning of a dramatic departure from the retrospective effect of the CIPAA observed since its enactment in April 2014:
Jack-In Pile (M) Sdn Bhd v Bauer (M) Sdn Bhd ([2020] 1 MLJ 174); and