On January 1st, the First Interstate Arena will still be standing, the Montana Expo Center will still be ready to host another of its numerous events, but the grounds at MetraPark will no doubt feel different. For the first time in 40 years, Bill Dutcher won’t be there to take in the chaos.
The Dog House Parade and Gala are wrapped up. It was a huge success. I'll tell you what I, personally, enjoy about these types of events. It's talking to the folks who listen to the radio station. Most of the time WE are doing the talking. And although we get calls from listeners with their take on things, we do not face to face. But at these events, you get our undivided attention.
After the huge Dog House Parade, I have another job that I am going to add to the list of No Thankyou. That would be the job of the Event Planner. I now have a greater appreciation for the people that do this for a living. Since this was the first one I took control of the reigns, I got a lesson in planning frustration.
This is it, a big week ahead. The final touches are being put in place for the Dog House Parade. The huge Gala is sold out and it's going to be quite an evening. The social hour will start at 5 with drinks and appetizers Dinner will be served at about 6 and the auction will start at about 7:30.