yeah. and you know, one of the things, you know, that i guess the media missed during the campaign you had to sort of be a trump support to get he did even back in the 1980s make this appeal to a certain kind of american who feels put upon by foreigners, put upon by, you know, people of color, whatever it is they re put upon, and this is donald trump in 1987 talking about japan and other countries ripping off the country. take a listen. kuwait, saudi arabia, they re ripping off this country. and i don t like seeing it. other countries have to pay us for the services we re rendering or this country is going to go down the tubes. no different than his campaign appeal. really. no different. and that s that s a variation on the theme that i think earned him so much voting power, enough to become president. he would go to these i wondered who were these people when he walks out in the big rallies and had their
finance. do you not coordinate with outside groups. you turn these meetings down. you have to or it can be regarded as a campaign contribution in violation of the campaign finance laws. i m shot this happened and people are defending it. this is going to be a very, very bad situation for the republican party if we don t get our act together and face facts and put a stop to the lies. and yet simon, i think back to the 90s, all of the things that republicans were apoplectic about, they impeached bill clinton over his affair with monica lewinsky, started with the whitewater deal and went on from there, all the outrage of selling the lincoln bedroom, you remember that scandal you had john mccain saying they took it to a level the american people find almost disgusting, the president misled american people said representative dan burton of indiana, chief of the oversight panel, and yet now we literally have republicans those
russia s been trying to destabilize western democracies for 100 years at least since the 1917 russian revolution. what this is about is excusing the conduct of these people, who will do anything to win, and i tried to teach my kids this in sports. you fight hard. you want to win, but you don t cheat. you don t go and hurt the other players. it s very important that we understand that this type of betrayal is not acceptable, just because they did it in order to win and that s all they cared about was winning this election, for donald trump, at any cost, including any cost to the united states. it s terrible. i agree with anand history is going to judge this harshly. anand, richard, simon, thank you very much. appreciate it. for more on the latest trump revelations check out my daily beast column so this is what american greatness really looks like? coming up in the next hour, senate republicans are this close to passing a bill that can
donald trump even and you re laughing about the fact that russia is interfering in our election process. right. that is immoral. tucker, should we collaborate with russia committing war crimes in syria? is that your advice? a country dedicated death to america, is that your advice at the moment? we do not share common goals with russia because russia is trying to further the murderous bashar assad regime and the hegemony in syria. that is not our goal. they believe in death to america, we should not be cooperating. rich art painter, i want to give you last word. what do you make of the fact not only is there an excusing of the russian interference in the election, but now there is this new line that s being run by some members of the trump campaign as well as people like tucker carlson we ought to collaborative with the russians after what they did in our election? i think it s a very, very dangerous line to pursue.
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