Your sides lex gray spoke to local police and Security Experts about why Convenience Store robberies are so common. Some say the roundtheclock hours, and store layout, make them easy to get in and out of quickly. Police also said window ads obscure the view and stores should install high def Security Systems especially behind the register. Hampton detectives are investigating two robberies, that happened within 15 minutes of each other. The first one at Family Dollar on lasalle avenue just after 10 last night. These are surveillance photos of the suspect who went inside with a gun and demanded money. Police believe he pulled the same thing moments later at kims chinese food also on lasalle. If you have any information call the crime line. Today we are learning new information about the bigrig crash on the Chesapeake Bay bridge tunnel. Police say Matthew Killmon was driving the tractortrailor that went off the bridge yesterday and charges are pending. 10 on your sides jason marks has be