close with toni. we have suspicions. please investigate this, please. he begged them. i felt immediately upon hearing the news that we had to find out exactly what was what happened, and that we had to be her voice because the only story we were going to get was going to be his story. reporter: but they all soon discovered even getting harold s story wasn t easy. did you ask harold, tell me what happened? several times. i said, what happened, harold? and he blew me off. reporter: when harold came to mississippi for toni s memorial service her family thought he was more interested in watching a football game than talking about toni s last day on earth. he announced to us that day that he wanted to sit down with us and talk. and he said, oh, he totally brushed off. it will take about ten minutes. i want to watch the game. at halftime, we ll have we ll talk. reporter: rhonda couldn t