spend it here with the people who matter to us most. vice president kamala harris also on the road. she was in las vegas where she was meeting with union members, encouraging them to not only get the message out about the importance of the vaccine. given the delta variant increasing concern. but also making a push for the white house is infrastructure package. expect to hear more from the president, vice president, promoting that plan as we head into this holiday week. back to you guys. mike memoli there. they also had i scream well on that trip. vanilla with chocolate trips in a waffle cone, to be exact. wow. [laughs] formal, much. i prepare for the show. [laughs] our thanks to mike s report. coming up, remember this? fake news no more. the gleeful destruction there of gear it caught on camera. now the feds are going after the alleged perpetrators.
the hope is that that would lead to an invitation to a white house from ukraine s president and also free up that military assistance. martha: mike, thank you very much. joining me now, white house press secretary, stephanie grisham. thank you very good have you on the story. thanks for coming here tonight. let s go through a couple of the things that were brought up in mike s report. one is that john bolton did not testify today. that might happen in the future. is the white house glad that he is so far resisting sitting down to speak to the folks on capitol hill? i think anybody who works at or has worked at the white house, you know, they have a lot of confidential information and so executive privilege is very, very important. we have concerns about national security information getting out there so we will see what happens. no matter what, no matter who ends up testifying, whether it behind closed doors or in public, the facts won t change that the president did nothing wrong
47 inches. meanwhile in miami, they re in an extreme drought. they have had over two feet less rainfall. they only the 21 inches of rain so far along the south florida coast. jose, back to you. mike seidel thank you. took some satellite hits there. apparently the weather to cause that problem for us. but appreciate mike s report. for the latest on all of this, plus the severe weather threat for more than 35 million americans in the northeast, we turn to bill karins. bill, what s going on? it seems like the whole country s got an issue with weather. that was all yesterday. now, this morning, we woke up to severe weather. rare overnight severe weather in new york city, and now passed off cape cod. let me show you pictures from one of my coworkers. he was up late last night and captured the video of the empire state building getting struck. by lightning. oh. there it is there. it actually happens more times than you would think in a year. probably about two to three times.
morning. senator jeff sessions fired back at cruz s critics. this is not a waste of time. write it down, this is just the beginning. the john paul jones said, we ve just begun to fight. we re not going to allow this country to socialize medicine. that s what the goal is. that s what the goal is. we re not going to allow it. we re going to fight it, fight it, fight it. that fight will continue but senate republicans are worried this used critical time that might have benefited the house after the senate votes. mike emmanuel, thank you. let s take it to the judge. analyst judge andrew napolitano. good to see you. likewise. you see mike s report and we knew ted cruz s speech was not going to have impact on the vote but the by-product of the speech
their career, they have only used high confidence levels twice. there are also two lines here that seem to leave some wiggle room for the administration, quote? our high confidence assessment is the strongest position that the u.s. intelligence community can take short of confirmation. we will continue to seek additional information to close gaps and our understanding of what took place. and intelligence assessment often includes what s called opposing judgments. and in layman s terms, that s an alternate point of view. and it is significant that none are presented here. we asked the office that produced this report whether there are alternate judgments and if there are, why they were not released and if they will be made public, harris. harris: that is fascinating. we have a general coming up later this hour. i m going to put that question he to him about what you just taught us all watching. thank you, catherine. you are welcome. harris: many analysts consider syrians stockpile