of hotly contested parts of the country. we should warn you many of these images you ll see in this report they are very disturbing. here s our report. reporter: this grave has been dug up before. the bodies are unidentified, reburied in the same spot. in video filmed at the time gruesome images of the corpses of four men. among many mass graves rebel fighters unearthed after they recaptured the town from radical fighters who once were their allies. now weeks late ear family hopes for closure. we found a foot and a shoe and a jacket she says. she s with her neighbor.
fight isis to liberate the already liberated areas another time. but isis still looms large in syria, consolidated its forces, imposing its reign of terror. in this video filmed the day after he met mohamed, he realizes it s not two but three of his brothers murdered by i isis. he thought one of them was in jail. so difficult to watch. let s bring in arwa damon live from beirut. your report brings into sharp focus how difficult the question is of a solution in syria, how difficult that question is now. how many fighters do you know in your best estimate, how many isis fighters are there in the country? what are they dealing with in terms of this threat? reporter: well, the estimates do vary, kate, between 7,000 and 11,000.
justice for jordan. 0. reporter: angela cory says she plans to recharge dunn. dunn s attorney says they intend to file an appeal. shocking claims from a pennsylvania woman charged with killing a man she met on craigslist. 19-year-old miranda barbour admitted she and her husband murdered the man. but now she says she s killed before. susan candiotti joins us with the latest. reporter: female serial killers are rare. what about this teenager s claims? based on what police know so far a law enforcement soushs tells cnn consider could be the real deal. a stunning new development in the case of accused killer miranda barbour. barbour and her new lew wed husband are charged with alluring a man to a meeting using craigslist then stack and
jordan davis dead. let s bring in alina. reporter: things remain calm here in jacksonville. this jury deliberated for 30 hours and came back with a partial verdict. now both sides are planning their next move. mr. dunn, your having been convicted of counts ii, iii and iv by a jury. reporter: michael dunn of three counts much second-degree attempted murder in the 2012 shooting that killed jordan davis a guilty verdict for each of davis friends who were with him that night but on the charge related to the 17-year-old s death the jury could not agree. based on the jury s inability to reach a verdict as to count i i would declare that mistried. reporter: following the verdict outrange disappointment outside of the courthouse. legal experts say the jury s initial request during deliberations to see the surveillance video where you
harmed. lots more to learn about this. let s move to the fall-out from the loud music murder trial. prosecutors are promising to retr retry dunn. we go live to jacksonville florida this morning. you ve been following this trial from the very beginning. quite an ending to this. what s the reaction? okay. both sides are now planning their next move after 30 hours of deliberations ended with a partial verdict. mr. dunn, your having been convicted of counts two, three and four by a jury reporter: michael dunn giuily of three counts of attempted murder, a guilty charge for each