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our political ticker at the bottom of the hour about the retirement of barney frank. they had a revolution. they ve ousted a ruler and now they are about to do something that is probably the most important thing that they have done and that is get out and vote. egyptians are hitting the polls today. they are out voting. it is the first in a series of elections for parliament and president. they are all under way. even in the midst of egypt s second major uprising of the year. the goal of both is the same an end to military rule which replaced the regime of long-time president hosni mubarak in february. turnout is surprisingly strong. voting for parliament will take stages. the presidential elections are set for june. pakistan says no more business as usual with the u.s. after a weekend air strike that nato calls tragic and unintended. nato helicopters from afghanistan opened fire on pakistani forces at the border killing 24 and wounding several others. afghan officials
i know everything that went on with them. bernie has issues. maybe not that you are aware of but he has issues. you trusted somebody you shouldn t have trusted. bernie is in denial. i think that he did the things he did but he s somehow through his own mental telepathy find yourself a gay boy. you know, get your rocks off, maybe it is over with. you know, he needs a, that male companionship. that i can t give him. i care about you and didn t like to see you treated that way. if it was another girl like i told you it would be easy to step in because you know what you are up against. when it is a guy you can t compete with that. he says that fine molested them when they were ball boys. today, affiliate wcsh spoke to a third accuser coming forward, 23-year-old zach tomaselli. he said fine molested him the night before a syracuse game against pitt. he described the alleged abuse in detail. i was in the hotel room. he was, he would put his hand down my shorts whenever i wa
believe me, that is saying something. this has been the worst fire season in texas history, and this is the worst of more than 35 fires burning right now. it s southeast of austin in bass strup county. and 1,000 other homes are threaten threatened. firefighters are attacking on the ground and in the air. and chris welch is in the thick of it. are they making any headway at all? caller: not exactly. this is a very bad day for fighting a fire to put it lightly. officials here caution, you know, they asked everybody to evacuate yesterday in the hardest hit areas. this fire continues to move south, moving through neighborhoods. now, thankfully this is one thing i think we can be thankful for, moving into areas that are less populated. and they expect the number to grow today. i want to give aquick look at the plumes we have been looking at today. we have seen the smoke rise and fall as it goes through the thicker woods, as it goes through grass. you see less smoke and more as i