The presiding officer the senator from virginia. Mr. Warner mr. President , are we in a quorum call . The presiding officer we are. Mr. Warner i ask that the proceedings under the quorum call be dispensed with. The presiding officer without objection. Mr. Warner mr. President , i rise today to celebrate the passage of the Great American outdoors act. The passage of this historic legislation marks a once in a generation step by this body to restore and conserve our National Parks as well as our countrys national heritage. It builds on an american tradition of conserving our natural wonders and shared public spaces. It reaffirms our commitment to preserve if for future generations. Its also important to note that this is a jobs bill. According to a recent study, the Great American outdoors act will help create or support 100,000 jobs all over the country, including 10,000 in my home state of virginia at a time when millions of americans are out of work. Currently the National Park servic
Anyway Popular Mechanics which is not as popular as the title suggests that out dost protest too much Popular Mechanics recently published an article that was not meant to help people tear down statues of american racist icons but it happened to be titled how to topple a statue using science it goes on to list how the article goes on the less how one could bring down a statue if one wanted to but you totally should not read it and should not carry down a racist statue in what some consider vandalism the article says you will likely need 70 people pulling on very strong ropes or straps to bring down a statue so do not find 70 of your closest friends and have a top of the races slave owning wild party do not. Do not suggest there will be a free pizza there which will help make sure people show up do not do not make sure to get the ropes or chains around the head of the stats you because put them around the feet will not give you nearly enough leverage to accomplish the goal if you had su
Will never again know our history yes yes exactly one can only learn history from metallic facsimiles which consist of 30 percent copper 20 percent tin and 50 percent pigeon seeing these monuments is the only way to learn about things i myself had never heard of the existence of long pointy sticks in till i saw the Washington Monument i didnt know of americas love affair with beings until i saw the big shiny one in chicago and i thought giant vagina star gates were only a thing of Science Fiction and to live visited st louis others have argued there are National Statues teach children what is valued in our society and not going to agree more i couldnt agree more judging by the numbers women and people of color are about 95 percent less important than horses and any of our president s were horses oh horse invented the light bulb Thomas Edison was a horse thats what im saying to you right now you might argue thats not true but without a statute you can prove it some argue these statues a
Monuments is the only way to learn about things i myself had never heard of the existence of long pointy sticks in till i saw the Washington Monument i didnt know of americas love affair with beings until i saw the big shiny one in chicago and i thought giant vagina star gates were only a thing of Science Fiction until i visited st louis others have argued there are National Statues teach children what is valued in our society and i couldnt agree more i couldnt agree more judging by the numbers women and people of color are about 95 percent less important than horses many of our president s were or says oh horse invented the light bulb Thomas Edison was a horse. Thats what im saying to you right now you might argue thats not true but without a statute you can prove it. Some argue these statues are not racists in fact they are just large monuments to remind us of the military prowess of brave men who fought on the losing side of a battle to keep black people as their property or in colu
Mr. Schumer mr. President . The presiding officer the democratic leader. Mr. Schumer mr. President , are we in a quorum . No. The presiding officer we are not. Mr. Schumer mr. President , last night in california, an american was diagnosed with the first reported case of coronavirus unrelated to any travel to an infected area, a sign that coronavirus is here on our shores and we must act swiftly and strongly to contain its spread. Despite months of public warnings about the dangers of this disease, the president was caught completely flat footed by the coro that virus and rather than the resources to respond to the crisis, President Trump is intent on blaming everyone and everything instead of solving the problem. Instead of stepping up to the plate, hes belittling the urgency of this problem and telling people oh, its not very much. The experts say the opposite. As for blame, the president s the president is blaming the press for stoking concern about the virus. The president is blami