If you walked through the Center for Rural Development Wednesday, you would think you were seeing a miniature World’s Fair. Technology from every sector was on full display, and though
committed suicide, john reeves, was the first one to walk back inside that condominium, followed by karen reese, the sister of the other pilot. and a man they had just met that night named matt satterly, who they had just met, they walked in first, david reese, the other pilot, stayed outside talking to his friend and that s when the shooting happened. listen. we know that gun fire was heard coming from within the residence on park place and we know that david then ran into the residence. a short while later, there was another series of gun shots. the friend outside is the one who called 911 and david s body was found in the entryway. he had been shot one time in the chest. shepard: are there indications that any of these victims tried to get out of there? well, police won t say, but they too say the crime scene in that condominium was vast. that there was literally evidence in every single room on