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incredible position to be the master player in that part of the middle east. and it s created a foreign policy that he calls american first but it seems to keep actually accruing to the benefit of vladimir putin and russia. so it is fascinating that lindsey graham could still support him even though he s been harshly critical of him over the past couple weeks. did i i did think one thing interesting in that interview was that lindsey said that he would remain open on the question of impeachment. that he s not he s not running around saying i will never vote for his impeachment. well, i guess it s reassuring that as somebody who would be a juror that he wouldn t have made up his mind before any facts are presented or before any impeachment documents are in the end filed. but, look, lindsey graham is somebody who and you just
the title written by tony schwartz whom i went to school. he wrote the whole thing. but what has it gotten the united states? it has made no agreements. gotten us nowhere. and so this idea that there s this master player of four dimensional chess, it s not true. if there s one thing you got to understand is he doesn t believe anything is on the level, whether it s the press, whether it s the government. he s always believed he doesn t believe anything is on the level, including a conversation he will have with somebody who s an ally. and this is a big piece of his economic messaging which he has to juggle touting a very strong economy and keeping the approval numbers high while laying the groundwork for if the this falls apart to say it s the fed s fault, china s fault, congress s fault.