Basic income programs are usually monetary payments to low-income families that give them a hand beyond the nation’s social safety net. There are a number of these pilot programs going on now around the country, but what happens when the program ends? Researchers decided to find out.
Basic income programs are usually monetary payments to low-income families that give them a hand beyond the nation’s social safety net. There are a number of these pilot programs going on now around the country, but what happens when the program ends? Researchers decided to find out.
Basic income programs are usually monetary payments to low-income families that give them a hand beyond the nation’s social safety net. There are a number of these pilot programs going on now around the country, but what happens when the program ends? Researchers decided to find out.
The pandemic caused a financial shock for many low-income workers. One guaranteed income experiment aimed to help them restore their financial security.
The pandemic caused a financial shock for many low-income workers. One guaranteed income experiment aimed to help them restore their financial security.