As the world’s largest livestock producer, China has made some progress to improve farm animal welfare in recent years. Recognizing the importance of locally-led initiatives, this study aimed to engage the knowledge and perspectives of Chinese leaders in order to identify opportunities to further improve farm animal welfare in China. A team of Chinese field researchers engaged 100 senior stakeholders in the agriculture sector (livestock business leaders, agriculture strategists and intellectuals, government representatives, licenced veterinarians, agriculture lawyers and national animal welfare advocates). Participants completed a Chinese questionnaire hosted on a national platform. The raw data responses were then translated and subjected to qualitative and quantitative analysis from which themes were built and resulting recommendations were made. The findings of this study urge emphasis on the ties between improved animal welfare with food safety, product quality and profit, and de
Under federal law, manufacturers of pesticide products are required to report any adverse events involving those goods.
A summary of those incident reports shows Seresto collars were named in more than 75,000 incidents, including 1,698 reported pet deaths. The reports were filed between 2012 and June 2020.
“When you re seeing numbers this high, that s not an anecdote. That’s not a weird coincidence,” said Nathan Donley, senior scientist at the Center for Biological Diversity, an activist environmental group that obtained the data through a federal records request.
Reports of harm associated with the collars range from relatively minor effects, such as animals suffering itchiness and skin irritation, to seizures, convulsions and pet deaths, Donley said.