didn t go back to the house for the rest of the day. he went home for the day? a strange date was in as the hours to buy there was no word from mark. no one could reach him by phone. and it was very odd that we hadn t talked to him and it was very strange. the following morning october 29th there was still no sign of mark and no word from him at all. again, stephanie went on the tour of his house. i looked up and they are still teen, by the back door. and she was obviously hurt, she was grounding, and i started talking turn nicely thinking, oh my god what is she doing here? what is going on? i backed down the driveway. at about the same time the phone rang in the kennel. it was mark s fiancée, teresa. when they told me that they d without, there was blood, dane is never out. ever. she s there in the house or she s with mark. she s not just out barking at
and i truly love mark as a parent, and a friend. and a family member. sometimes the clues and the mystery such as this can be very personal. more about relationships than fingerprints and dna, as the detective knew full well. and in the days after mark s disappearance detective repeatedly encountered disturbing story. these former lovers were afraid of each other. what happened to that marriage? the one of the heavenly island? in fact, there was a record, detective discovered and it was more hell than heaven. mark had issues with linda. and then they had issues with mark. to put it mildly. here is the story mark fiancée teresa told the detectives. the story she said mark told her. linda seem to be doing her best to destroy mark s dog training business. she had been calling clients and saying really horrible