started the russia collusion story and went in and told barack obama all about it she was trying to link trump to russia to get attention off email scandal. we thought that hillary got the russians to make the story up. it turns out hillary s guy made up the pee pee tape lie. and then they just pin it on a russian. the democratic national committee had this guy, charles dolan, he goes to russia. checks into the ritz carlton and asks for a tour of the presidential suite. and then the golden shower story drops. nobody at the ritz carlton told him this. not the bellman, not the cleaning ladies, not the manager. maybe he got so drunk on vodka he forgot it actually happened to him. so the pee pee tape was hillary team s idea. what else did we find out from durham? we found out the fbi shut down two investigations into the clintons, two separate fbi field offices said wait a second, clinton foundation is a foreign money laundering scam. we should probably look into it. but andy mcc
of howard university, the most prestigious black college in the country that they re the victims of white supremacy. the most dangerous terrorist threat to our homeland is white supremacy. i m not saying this because i m at a black hbcu. i say it wherever i go. jesse: dana loesch is a nationally syndicated radio host. dana, why do you think a hoity-toity hollywood p.r. firm is now in control of this entire marine chokehold trial? s that really amazing, jesse. where was this attention to jordan neely when he was getting 44 priors? where was this attention to jordan neely previously when he was known to be homeless and known to be hungry or known to be in need of something? it s really odd to me how all of these people show up to honor the memory of a man whose life they apparently didn t care enough about to show up when he
An Oklahoma hospital, Saint Francis Health System, provides top-notch healthcare for hundreds of thousands of patients a year. It’s the 12th largest hospital in the nation and employs 11 THOUSAND Oklahomans. But it has one downfall when it comes to Biden’s federal government: Its religious mission.
Is New York City becoming "Gotham"? Glenn Beck believes it is.This week, a 30-year-old homeless New Yorker was killed on Monday afternoon while riding the subway. His name was Jordan Neely, and he had been acting erratically when a 24-year-old Marine and several other passengers decided to step in. .