side, andrea, have to be more clear how they would handle this issue? yes. his current answer i have to say is not enough. he is saying he would issue waivers so states could opt out. think about that, martha. a state like california they re not going to opt out. most red states would opt out, but most blue states likely wouldn t. those taxpayers in the state will not get reimbursed for federal dollars. republican states will pay for obamacare but democratic ones running up the tab. that would be poetic justice. does not make any sense. i do think mitt romney has to come up with something better than that. that is just a sound bite. in washington state they had had mandate bill. people were being insured and everything was fine. republicans took over legislature. took outmanned date. no insurance companies in washington state. that is the consequences. supreme court hopes take into account what they re doing here. what you re essentially doing forcing 40 million people, when yo
big hinge? i look at it an entirely different way. purely economics. the people defending status quo are defending a system that is the only system in the world that charges 17.5% to ensure income every year, to ensure 84% of the people. kimberly: all right, bobby? bob: he has it right. one thing we ought to straighten out, correct bill o reilly, 28 attorneys generals, and all 28 are republican hat. number one. number two, it s conservative appellate courts that upheld the mandate bill. and bill clinton is right. when you pay this much money, and the richest country in the world and we are getting ripped off by the healthcare system, you can t keep the status quo. status quo doesn t work. dana: bill o reilly s response was a different prescription could be allowing for more competition, open the marketplace up. and that was what the argument, that is what it comes down to.
wouldn t you say that is the big hinge? i look at it an entirely different way. purely economics. the people defending status quo are defending a system that is the only system in the world that charges 17.5% to ensure income every year, to ensure 84% of the people. kimberly: all right, bobby? bob: he has it right. one thing we ought to straighten out, correct bill o reilly, 28 attorneys generals, and all 28 are republican hat. number one. number two, it s conservative appellate courts that upheld the mandate bill. and bill clinton is right. when you pay this much money, and the richest country in the world and we are getting ripped off by the healthcare system, you can t keep the status quo. status quo doesn t work. dana: bill o reilly s response was a different prescription could be allowing for more competition, open the marketplace up. and that was what the argument, that is what it comes down to.