protocol is so flawed why on earth did he sign protocol is so flawed why on earth did he sign it, was into less than a year ago? did he sign it, was into less than a year ago? as did he sign it, was into less than a year ago? as us simpletons wonder why that year ago? as us simpletons wonder why that was can we were told it was under great why that was can we were told it was under great duress of the time to -et under great duress of the time to get a under great duress of the time to get a deal under great duress of the time to get a deal signed and that sort of thing get a deal signed and that sort of thing but get a deal signed and that sort of thing. but nobody can say they were not warrant thing. but nobody can say they were not warrant about the problems of the settlement in northern ireland that did the settlement in northern ireland that did not endanger the good friday that did not endanger the good friday agreement. because it dominated all conversations