that was this time. that was 22 ballots. i d like to have that efficiency in my checkbook every year. it was 22 ballots. i don t know. i don t know that it s that casual a thing. if there are 22, how many did they not find? that s the problem with inaccuracy. well, no, i appreciate that, but but the real reason fraud is being talked about in broward county is a precursor to have an argument that went the 25,000 under-votes if broward county under-votes are those where people filled out ballots but didn t vote in every race they werecalled an under-vote. an overvote, they voted twice in one race. those are ballots that may be examined in certain recount situations. go ahead. correct. so in the ma shechine recount, during a machine recount phase, the under-votes, if the machines
so good they get some thoese seats back, maybe/maybe not. it s a long way away. that s arizona. let s turn to florida. officials are racing to finish a recount into three statewide races if florida. senate, governor and agriculture commissioner. here s what you need to know and watch for. 3:00 p.m., all right? 3:00 p.m. thursday, thursday is going to be a big day. state law mandates that all 67 counties have to have their votes counted. 8.5 million votes. it s a big population surge in florida. can they handle it? seems, no. and they re going to have to recount, get it done, give it to the secretary of state. all right? all of these races are going through this recount because they re within .5%. that s the state law that triggers an automatic machine recount. now you heard the argument. in the senate race, hold on a second, what if in broward county, you do have these votes that the machine miscalibrated. if they can show that and it goes through and scott can t stop it legally, you c