in their lives, we are there. tucker: to pay for the education of the refugees who come? no, again, this. tucker: idea. i pay taxes too. tucker: people who don t agree with the policy air force that pay for it and you re taking the moral credit for it. tucker: we wouldn t be in here having this conversation, we quietly go about this work, or try to take seriously jesus command to do to others what you want want to have done to you. tucker: but there was no part about getting $42 million d from the government in jesus command. if you re concerned about the amount of money, our average staff person in the u.s., t amazing people i m so proud of,, their average salary is about $10,000 less than assistant manager at walmart. tucker: i don t think you re doing it to get rich. it s obviously not true, and think you re doing it because d you think it s your duty, you clearly disagree is when you have a duty to do something because you think god wants you to do it, you shoul
they keep lying about how he had a tweet against the media. no, he had a tweet against fake news. if you disagree with the idea that fake news is bad for democracy then you can sign up with goebbels and lenny riefenstahl. we are getting big news constantly. i haven t been watching very much tv become a third time tonight that many studies show that immigrants commit less crime the natives, that s an absolute lie. these phony studies do and they re all hidden behind pay walls on the internet. i actually had to pay at somee point to read, to get and find out. tucker: that s one of the most repeated talking points. it s an absolutely a lie, i discussed it. studies that allegedly show this do not compare immigrants to americans, they are immigrants to americans who have been convicted of a serious offense.
tucker: why you re taking government money, you take tens of millions of dollars, as a christian organization doing what you see as a christian duty, why should taxpayers subsidize that? it s a good question, it s interesting because the people that have been critics of ours for taking any money now for helping refugee resettlement, that s not new, we ve been doing it for seven presidential administrations since reagan. it s been an american value for 40 years or multiple in ministrations, when we have helped the government resettle suffering people because they said the public-private partnership works, it s better when communities and churches are part of it, i think people have expected that we would be either defensive or embarrassed about taking government money, p we re proud that we do this work so well using so many volunteers, thousands of churches, tens of thousands of people to help the government accomplish what it decided to do.
to tattle on other students for saying things they believe is offensive? indecent, inappropriate? what s the standard? the standard variesna but they re trying to seek out bias and destroyed on campuses. through a series of online come online forms that you fill out or by encouraging students if you see something, say something on some of these bias response team web sites. they re encouraging people to come forward, if you hear something that s biased, that can be defined as something as tucker: that s it, what the definition? it can be super vague. vague, if you re going to have a you re going to have a rule, standard you want to be able to define it especially if there s a penalty, do kids know what s inside or out of bounds? i don t think they do and it varies from place to place it depends on the protected classes that are covered. some of them are crazy in kentucky, one of the protected classes at the university of
asking for the facts. their side is not asking for the facts. why can t the government just n count how many immigrants are in prison? they ve had significant contact with the government, arrested, prosecuted, there sitting in prisons that we are paying for, could you count? the census can t tell us that. tucker: why do you think thef don t? they count everything else. i think they know what the answer would be. our side wants the absolute numbers. what i and adios america is i looked at other things, because prisons need to keep need to know the nationality of their prisoners because of gang warfare. they have a very detailed on inmates in new york state and other thousands of dominicans, one german. tucker: let s see you re in charge of the federal government, how would you prioritize it? what would you do immediately and secondarily on immigration?