The Tri-Valley will keep its prominent voice on the Los Vaqueros Reservoir Joint Powers Authority Board of Directors as Zone 7 Water Agency Director Angela Ramirez Holmes will serve a second term as board chair.
The Zone 7 Water Agency recently released its 2021-22 annual report, which highlights completed construction projects, water conservation participation, and various flood and fire mitigation efforts including the use of goats.
paradox / par a doks/ noun Something (such as a situation) that is made up of two opposite things and that seems impossible but is actually true or possible
Republicans last week blasted Democrats for alleged inaction on the 2014 bond act, Proposition 1, making some good points while being off base on their basic premise, columnist George Skelton writes.
A man accused in the 2018 death of Fort Worth Police Officer Garrett Hull is headed to prison after striking a plea deal Tuesday that is supported by the.