he spoke briefly. didn t make much mention of the paul ryan and the vice-presidential pick. mr. romney wasted little time going after president obama suggesting issues like medicare, that will be important in florida, because of paul ryan s budget and fixing social security and dealing with the economy he argues that the president is ignoring it and distorting it with nasty attacks. listen. it is smear. it is dirt. it is distortion. it is deception. it is dishon festy. it diminishes, it diminishes the office of the presidency itself. reporter: well, romney over the course of the last 48 hours campaigning with paul ryan for the first time as the official gop ticket, every single appearance was more ebb bup yent and upbeat and. his rhetoric was tougher. in iowa, where paul ryan is campaigning where president obama will be the next three
their time who we can t deport. and the u.s. supreme court says we can t hold them even definitely. one congressman is trying to change this. but many are on the street and reoffending. lois decker didn t have to die. a judge had ordered her killer deported after he sexually assaulted a child. he should not have been in the united states. at the very least he should have been in detention. when danwhen bangladesh refused to take him back he stayed and he strangled a grandmother. this defendant is not alone. the suspect has a prior criminal record. after serving time for robbery a judge deported this man. when vietnam refused to take him federal policy required he be released after six months in jail. in march he allegedly mass kerd a familiamassacred a family of